The Serenity Church of Charlotte

The Serenity Church of Charlotte


Support the Serenity Church of Charlotte in its mission to serve anyone seeking a better life and a closer relationship with Our Father.

The Serenity Church of Charlotte measures its success by the lives it touches, and the lives it changes. To help us accomplish this we welcome contributions in cash and time from those who wish to help. If you wish to make a contribution to The Serenity Church of Charlotte, we offer some helpful guidelines below. (The Serenity Church of Charlotte maintains a confidential record of all contributions):

Cash Contributions can be sent by mail to:
The Serenity Church of Charlotte – Treasurer
4220 Stacy Blvd
Charlotte NC 28209
Please make checks payable to “Serenity Church of Charlotte”

Online contributions can be be received from the following apps:
Cash App
If app asks who you are sending money to, enter

Volunteer your time
Volunteers are always needed!
If you wish to volunteer, please contact us via email at